
In the sections below you can find my published work organized thematically

Poverty, inequality, growth, and redistribution policies

Peer reviewed papers

Long‑term evolution of inequality of opportunity: Educated parents still matter with Daniele Checchi and Vito Peragine, 2023, Journal of Economic Inequality. 21, 277–323.

I Perceive Therefore I Demand: The Formation of Inequality Perceptions and Demand for Redistribution, with A. Ferrer‐i‐Carbonell, A. Giolbas, and I. Torre, 2021, Review of Income and Wealth, 67(4), 835-871.

Welfare dynamics and inequality in the Russian Federation during 1994–2015. with H. A H. Dang, M. Lokshin, and K. Abanokova. 2020 The European Journal of Development Research, 32(4), 812-846.

Global inequality in a more educated world, with Ahmed, S. A.; M. Vargas Da Cruz; D. Go; and I. Osorio-Rodarte, 2020, Journal of Economic Inequality. 18, 585–616

Global Growth and Distribution: China, India, and the Emergence of a Global Middle Class, with D. Medvedev and R. de Hoyos and D. van der Mensbrugghe, 2012 Journal of Globalization and Development, vol. 2, no. 2. 

The Effects of Panama Canal Expansion on Poverty Reduction and Income Inequality, with D. Medvedev and R. de Hoyos. 2012, Economia, 13(1), 79-129.

Macro-Micro Analytics: Background, Motivation, Advantages and Remaining Challenges, with F. Bourguignon and J. Cockburn. The International Journal of Microsimulations, 2010, 3(1), 1-7

Economic Growth and Income Distribution: Linking Macroeconomic Models with Household Survey Data at the Global Level, with R. De Hoyos and D. Medvedev. The International Journal of Microsimulations, 2010

Considerazioni sull’evoluzione delle teorie di politica economica al riguardo del loro rapporto con l’etica. (Economics and its evolving relation with ethics) Rivista di Politica Economica, Roma, March 1991.

Books and books chapters

Hidden Potential: Rethinking Informality in South Asia. 2022, with S. Sharma, (ed.). South Asia Development Forum; Washington, DC: World Bank.

Vertical and Horizontal Redistribution: Evidence from Europe with C. Krolage, M. Makovec, A. Peichl, M. Stöckli, I. Torre, and C. Wittneben, (2019), in K. Decancq and P. V. Kerm (Ed.) What Drives Inequality? (Research on Economic Inequality, Vol. 27), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 19-38.

Toward a New Social Contract: Taking on Distributional Tensions in Europe and Central Asia, with M. Davalos, R. Sundaram & V. Peragine, 2018, The World Bank, Washington DC.

Shared Prosperity: Paving the Way in Europe and Central Asia, with L.F. Lopez-Calva, 2014. The World Bank, Washington DC.

Understanding the Poverty Impact of the Global Financial Crisis in Latin America and the Caribbean, book with M. Grosh and S. Freije, 2014. The World Bank, Washington DC.

The impact of macro-economic policies on poverty and income distribution – Macro-Micro Evaluation Techniques and Tools, book edited with F. Bourguignon, and L. Pereira da Silva. World Bank Washington D.C and Palgrave-Macmillan New York, 2008.

Income Distribution in Computable General Equilibrium Modeling, chapter with Francois Bourguignon, no 21 in D. Joergenson and P. Dixon (eds) “Handbook of CGE Modeling”, North Holland, Elsevier B.V., 2013.

The Future of Global Income Inequality, chapter with R. De Hoyos and D. Medvedev in A. Estache and D. Leipziger eds. “Stuck in the Middle, Is Fiscal Policy Failing the Middle Class?”, Brookings Institution Press, 2009.

Global Growth and Distribution: Are China and India Reshaping the World? chapter with R. De Hoyos, D. Medvedev and D. van der Mensbrugghe in A. U. Santos-Paulino and G. Wan (eds.) “Southern Engines of Global Growth”, Oxford University Press, 2009.

Global Growth and Distribution: Asia and Its Progression to Developed Status, chapter with Denis Medvedev, Rafael De Hoyos, and Dominique van der Mensbrugghe. In Zhai Fan (ed.), “From Growth to Convergence: Asia’s Next Two Decades”, Palgrave Macmillan London, 2009.

Technology And Poverty: Mapping the Connections chapter with D O’Connor In “Development Centre Seminars: Technology and Poverty Reduction in Asia and the Pacific”, OECD, Paris, 2001. 

Gender, household behavior, demographic economics

Peer reviewed papers

Evaluating the Impacts of Access to a Digital Jobs Platform and Skills Training on Female Domestic Workers with S. Anukriti, J. Lee, S. Sharma, A. Williams. In the field.  Accepted, pre-results review, Journal of Development Economics. 

Social Norms and Gender Disparities with a Focus on Female Labor Force Participation in South Asia. with Jessy Amarachi Ezebuihe, Ana Maria Munoz Boudet, Stavros Poupakis, Tasmia Rahman, Nayantara Sarma, 2024, World Bank Research Observer.

It Takes Two: Women's Empowerment and Couple Concordance in South Asia, with N. Sarma, and A.M. Williams, 2023, R&R at Journal of Development Studies (also available as Policy Research Working Paper Series 9545, The World Bank).

Accounting for the bias against the life-cycle hypothesis in survey data: An example for Russia, with S. Schotte, M. Matytsin, 2017, The Journal of the Economics of Ageing, 9, 185-207 (also available here).

Global extreme poverty rates for children, adults and the elderly, with Y. Batana and J. Cockburn, 2013, Economics Letters, 120 (3), 405-407.

Exports, gender wage gap and poverty in Honduras, with R. de Hoyos and O. Nunez. Oxford Development Studies, 2012, 40 (4), 533-551.

Books and books chapters

Golden Aging: Prospects for Healthy, Active, and Prosperous Aging in Europe and Central Asia, book with J. Koettl & E. Sinnott, 2015, The World Bank, Washington DC.

Gender Aspects of the Trade and Poverty Nexus. A Macro-Micro Approach, book edited with Rafael De Hoyos, World Bank and Palgrave-Macmillan, 2009.  

Trade Openness and Labor Gender Gaps with Samuel Freije-Rodríguez, Calvin Djiofack and Melissa Rodríguez. In J. H. López and R. Shankar (ed.), “Getting the Most Out of Central America’s Free Trade Agreements”, World Bank, Washington D.C., 2011.

Millennium Development Goals for Honduras: current achievements and forthcoming challenges chapter with D. Medvedev in M. Sanchez, R. Voz, E. Ganuza, H. Lofgren, C. Diaz-Bonilla eds. “Public Policies for Human Development: Achieving the MDGs in Latin America and the Caribbean”, Palgrave-Macmillan, 2009.

International economics, Trade, Migration and Labor markets

Peer reviewed papers

The evolution of job tenure in transition economies, with M. Lokshin, N. Oviedo and I. Torre, 2023, Economics of Transition and Institutional Change, forthcoming.

Political connections and firms: network dimensions, with S. Commander and S. Poupakis, 2023, Oxford Economic Papers, 75 (1), 256–280. 

The links between COVID-19 vaccine acceptance and non-pharmaceutical interventions with Nayantara Sarma, Ivan Torre, 2023, Social Science & Medicine.

Explaining the Evolution of Job Tenure in Europe, 1995-2020 with D. Capelle, M. Lokshin, I. Torre, and H. Winkler, 2023. IZA Journal of Labor Policy, forthcoming.

Politically connected firms and privileged access to credit: Evidence from Central and Eastern Europe, with F. de Nicola, U. Panizza, and R. Varghese, 2021. European Journal of Political Economy, 102073.

The distributive impact of terms of trade shocks: The case of the oil price changes in Russia, with P. Luongo, 2020. Economics of Transition and Institutional Change, John Wiley & Sons, vol. 28(3), pages 487-513, July.

Free Trade in Agriculture and Global Poverty, with D. Medvedev and R. de Hoyos. The World Economy, Volume 34, Issue 12, pages 2019–2043, December 2011.

Organizing knowledge to compete: impacts of capacity building programs on firm organization, with M. Vargas Da Cruz and L. Iacovone, 2018. Journal of International Economics, Vol 111, p. 1-20.

Do Regional Trade Pacts benefit the Poor? An Illustration from Dominican Republic – Central American Free Trade Agreements in Nicaragua, with Yoko Niimi. World Development, 2009.

Do Remittances Have a Flip Side? A General Equilibrium Analysis of Remittances, Labor Supply Responses and Policy Options for Jamaica, with Denis Medvedev. Journal of Economic Integration, 2009. Also available as World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 4143.

The impact of commodity price changes on rural households: the case of coffee in Uganda with  O. Godart, J. Lay, R. Thiele, 2007 Agricultural Economics, Vol 37, (2-3), 293-303.

The role of transaction costs in explaining economic performance and income distribution. Some numerical exercises for Colombia with John Whalley, published jointly in Integration and Trade (Vol.7, 2003) and Économie Internationale (No. 94-95, 2003), Institute for the Integration of Latin America and the Caribbean/Inter-American Development Bank and Centre d’Études Perspectives et d’Informations Internationales, Washington and Paris.

Ecological tax reforms and environmental benefits in Italy and Sweden, with I. M. Gren, M. Hill, D. Pinelli, in Regional Environmental Change, publisher: Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2005.

Beyond Heckscher-Ohlin: Trade and Labour Market Interactions in a Case Study for Chile with A Mizala and P Romaguera 2002 Journal of Policy Modelling, 24 (7-8), 639-666.

CARICOM Trade Policy Scenarios. A General Equilibrium Evaluation for Jamaica, Integration and Trade, Vol. 6, 2002.

Colombia and the NAFTA. With D. Roland-Holst. Published in Integration and Trade, September – December 99, INTAL.

Is there a Trade-off Between Trade Liberalisation and Pollution Abatement in Costa Rica? A Computable General Equilibrium Assessment. With S. Dessus. Published in Journal of Policy Modelling Vol 20 No 1, Feb 1998.

Books and books chapters

Globalization and poverty: Channels and Policies, jointly edited with Jeff Round. Routledge publishers, London, 2006.

Challenges of CAFTA – Maximizing the Benefits for Central America, co-authored with C. F. Jaramillo, D. Lederman, D. Gould, A. Mason. World Bank, Washington, 2006

Workers at Risk: Panel Data Evidence on the COVID-19 Labor Market Crisis in India, chapter with A. Kotia, and S. Sharma, 2023 in Hidden Potential.

Interest Rates and Saving-Investment Dynamics in a Multipolar World Economy chapter with J. Lim, in Mario Baldassari (editor), Quo Vadis: World Economy and Institutions at a Crossroads, London, England: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 28–45, 2015.

Remittances, The Real Exchange Rate and The Dutch Disease Phenomenon, chapter with J.H. Lopez and L. Molina, in P Fajnzylber and J. H. Lopez eds. “Remittances and Development – Lessons from Latin America” The World Bank, Washington D.C.

The DR-CAFTA and the Extensive Margin: A Firm-Level Analysis chapter with A. C. Molina and L. Iacovone. In J. H. López and R. Shankar (ed.), “Getting the Most Out of Central America’s Free Trade Agreements”, World Bank, Washington D.C., 2011.

Trade Liberalization and Welfare Distribution in Central America chapter with Samuel Freije-Rodríguez, Calvin Djiofack and Melissa Rodríguez. In J. H. López and R. Shankar (ed.), “Getting the Most Out of Central America’s Free Trade Agreements”, World Bank, Washington D.C., 2011.

World Poverty and Global Income Distribution in the Absence of Agricultural Distortions: the Global Income Distribution Dynamics (GIDD) Model, chapter with Denis Medvedev and Rafael De Hoyos in K. Anderson, J. Cockburn and W. Martin (ed.), “Agricultural Price Distortions, Inequality and Poverty”, World Bank, Washington D.C., 2010.

 How Globalization improves Governance chapter with F Bonaglia and J Braga de Macedo in L. Y. Yueh, (ed.). The law and economics of globalisation: new challenges for a world in flux. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2009.

Trade options for Latin America. A Poverty Assessment Using Macro-Micro Linkages, chapter with J. Lay and D. van der Mensbrugghe; in “The impact of macro-economic policies on poverty and income distribution – Macro-Micro Evaluation Techniques and Tools”, 2008

Globalization and poverty changes in Colombia: a micro-simulations assessment of the 90s trade reforms, with J. Lay, in “Globalization and poverty: Channels and Policies” [48], 2006.

Poverty Reduction Strategies in a Budget-Constrained Economy: The Case of Ghana with J Round, in “Globalization and poverty: Channels and Policies” [48], 2006.

Trade policy Reforms, chapter with A Nicita; in A. Coudouel and S. Paternostro (ed.) “Analyzing the Distributional Impact of Selected Reforms. A practitioner’s guide on trade, monetary and exchange rate policy, utility provision, agricultural markets, land, and education”; World Bank, Washington, 2005.

Structural Change and Poverty Reduction in Brazil: The Impact of the Doha Round chapter with J. Lay and D. van der Mensbrugghe; in “Putting Development Back into the Doha Agenda: Poverty Impacts of a WTO Agreement” edited by Alan Winters and Tom Hertel. New York, Palgrave MacMillan, 2005.

Trade and the Environment in Morocco, in “Trade and the Environment in General Equilibrium: Evidence from Developing Economies, J. Beghin, D. Roland-Holst and D. van der Mensbrugghe (eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, February 2002.

Economic Instruments, the Environment, and Regional Trade Agreements. A CGE analysis of El Salvador in the 1st decade of the 21st Century. With S. Dessus and C. Zinnes. In “Environment For Growth in Central America”, Edited by T Panayotou Harvard University Press J F Kennedy School of Government, 2000.

A General Equilibrium Analysis of Mediterranean Economic Integration: the case of Italy and Algeria. Chapter with G. Pireddu, in A. Fossati and J. Hutton (eds.) “Policy Simulations in the European Union”, Routledge, London and New York, 1998, p.3-23.

In the section below you can find other research (not in peer reviewed publications)

Permanent working papers and other research

Feeling Poor, Feeling Rich, or Feeling Middle-Class: An Empirical Investigation, with M. Lebrand, and I. Torre, 2020. Policy Research Working Papers 9456, The World Bank.

Does Job Polarization Explain the Rise in Earnings Inequality? Evidence from Europe, with Torre, Ivan; Winkler, Hernan, 2018. Policy Research Working Papers 8652, The World Bank.

Does input tariff reduction impact firms' exports in the presence of import tariff exemption regimes? with M. Vargas Da Cruz. 2015, Policy Research Working Papers 7231, The World Bank.

Capital will not become more expensive as the world ages, with J. Lim; M. Maliszewska; and H. Timmer, 2014. Policy Research Working Paper Series 6989, The World Bank.

The long-awaited rise of the middle class in Latin America is finally happening, with M. Maliszewska, and E. Murard, 2014. Policy Research Working Paper Series 6912, The World Bank.

Challenges to MDG Achievement in Low Income Countries: Lessons from MAMS Applications to Ghana and Honduras with D. Medvedev, 2013, Policy Research Working Papers 4383, The World Bank.

Ghana’s Growth Story: How to Accelerate Growth and Achieve the MDGs,” with Zeljko Bogetic, Denis Medvedev, Xiao Ye, Quentin Wodon, and Daniel Boakye. Background paper for Ghana Country Economic Memorandum: Meeting the Challenge of Accelerated and Shared Growth, World Bank, 2007.

Examining the links between economic policy and poverty: examples from Ghana and India, in Agriculture, Trade and Poverty: Making Policy Analysis Count, OECD Publications, Paris, 2003, pp.233-259

The African Economic Outlook (AEO) model: technical specification and numerical examples, with N. Gaudemet, OECD Development Centre, mimeo, Apr 2003.

Clearing the Air in India: The Economics of Climate Policy with Ancillary Benefits with David O’Connor, OECD Development Centre Technical Paper 182, Jan 2002 Presented at the 5th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis (sponsored by GTAP) in Taiwan.

A Multi-Region Social Accounting Matrix (1995) and Regional Environmental General Equilibrium Model for India (REGEMI), with M. Chemingui and D. O’Connor, OECD Development Centre, WebDoc No1, Feb 2002.

Green Taxes, Environment, Employment and Growth: the Italian case. With D Pinelli. Nota di Lavoro Clim 4.2001, Fondazione Enrico Mattei, Milano, 2001.

Reforms, Institutions, and Peace. Which Future for Colombia? Mimeo FEDESARROLLO. Bogota’. With D. Roland-Holst. Italian version: Riforme, Istituzioni e pace: quale futuro per la Colombia in “America Latina, Prospettive e Opportunità negli anni 2000: dalla stabilizzazione alla crescita?” A. Goldstein (ed.) for ISPI, Milan Italy, 1999.

Trade Liberalisation and Poverty. With H.B. Solignac Lecomte, Overseas Development Institute Briefing Paper no 6, December 1999, London.

A 1994 Detailed Social Accounting Matrix for Colombia. With R.Correa, Fedesarrollo Technical Paper no 5, Bogotá, 1999.

The Technical Specification of FEDESARROLLO's Long Run General Equilibrium Model. With D. Roland-Holst and D. van der Mensbrugghe. Fedesarrollo Technical Paper no 4. Bogotá, 1998.

A Proposal for Capital Market Reform in Colombia. Published in Corporate, Securities and Finance Law Abstracts of the Social Science Research Network (SSRN). Spanish version published in Estrategia Economica y Financiera No 256 (May 97).

A detailed IO table for Morocco, 1990. With D. Roland-Holst, OECD Development Centre Technical Paper. Paris, 1993.